Day 8: Nehemiah 8~Finding Strength in God's Word

Hey Reader,

Wow, can you believe we're already at Nehemiah chapter 8? I feel like this study has flown by, but there are still so many incredible truths to unpack from God's Word.

In today's powerful video teaching, we see the Israelites entering a new phase of their freedom journey - spiritual freedom. Nehemiah and Ezra knew that in order for the people to maintain their physical freedom from slavery, they needed to be reminded of God's standard of holiness that would keep them spiritually free.

It is in this chapter where we find the powerful verse that's often quoted to remind us to have joy. It says,

"Don't be dejected and sad, for the joy of the LORD is your strength!" (Nehemiah 8:10)

That really spoke to me. The joy of the Lord is OUR strength too! When we turn from our sin and experience His forgiveness, we have so much reason to celebrate.

I hope you'll join me in watching the full teaching on Nehemiah 8 and take some time to re-read the chapter on your own. I'd love to hear what the Holy Spirit reveals to YOU through this powerful passage!

Let's continue to encourage each other in the comments as we keep building that firm foundation together.

Claiming the joy of the Lord as my strength right along with you,

P.S. Have you downloaded the Nehemiah Bible Study Guide yet? It's the perfect way to go even deeper in your personal time in the Word as we study this powerful book together. Grab your copy here!

P.S.S. If you're just now starting, that's okay. You can always go back and watch the past videos. HERE is the full playlist.



Rachel G. Scott

Author of Taking the 5 Leaps | Grab your copy HERE or listen on Audible HERE

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"God can do more with our willingness than he could ever do with our worthiness."

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Author of the NEW Book "Taking the 5 Leaps"

Join 10k+ in our community of inspiring believers to walk in their purpose and assignment as they boldly take leaps of faith. Founder of the I Can’t Come Down Movement, Host of Taking the LeapS podcast & Moody Published Author. Devoted wife, mother, and Ohio native. Discover more at RachelGScott.Com

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